April 16, 2024

In this insightful interview from ISHI 34, Leah Nangeroni of the Center for Forensic Science Research and Education (CFRSE) delves into the nonprofit's mission to advance forensic science through research, education, and extensive outreach initiatives.

Based just outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, CFRSE is deeply committed to inspiring future generations of scientists by offering a wide range of programs for students from middle school to graduate levels, including field trips, hands-on lab experiences, and educational partnerships with institutions like Thomas Jefferson University.

One highlight of their outreach is the intensive seven-week summer internship program designed for undergraduates seeking hands-on experience in forensic science, covering disciplines such as biology, toxicology, and chemistry. Through comprehensive education and practical experiences across various forensic science areas, CFRSE aims to cultivate well-rounded professionals and foster a deep understanding of forensic principles.

Leah's passion for teaching and her background in forensic science drive her dedication to nurturing young talents and contributing significantly to the forensic science community's growth.

View the full interview below!