October 30, 2023

Krotulski AJ

Society of Forensic Toxicologists - 2023 Annual Meeting


In recent years, forensic laboratories have begun transitioning from traditional screening processes (immunoassay, basic/acidic/neutral gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) to high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) techniques, due to sensitivity, selectivity, and amenability
to routine and novel drugs. The complexities and capabilities of these systems will change the landscape of forensic testing; however, hesitation to reconstruct laboratory processes due to budget, time, comprehension, and casework prioritization may result. In this workshop, instructors with experience in development, validation, and utilization of HRMS in public and private sectors of forensic toxicology will provide insight into this seemingly daunting task. This workshop will first cover basic principles of liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS) as it relates to forensic testing, the transition from traditional screening approaches, and benefits of employing HRMS. Identification of laboratory goals including defining scope, acquiring materials, building libraries, and initiating development will be discussed. Variables such as data acquisition method types, instrumental parameters, and sample preparation techniques will be reviewed to provide a toolbox of information for comprehensive screening development. Creating method validation processes that meet standard and accreditation requirements will be addressed. A few examples of LC-QTOF-MS applications in operating forensic laboratories will be presented to include first hand experiences using different QTOF vendor platforms (Agilent, Waters, Sciex). The workshop will conclude with a round table discussion to facilitate specific questions and inter laboratory communications.