N-Pyrrolidino Metonitazene

The following information was compiled in June 2023 and is subject to change as new research is conducted and as new information becomes available:

Description: N-Pyrrolidino metonitazene is a novel synthetic opioid bearing structural resemblance to metonitazene, N-pyrrolidino etonitazene, and other nitazene (2-benzylbenzimidazole) analogues. In February 2023, N-pyrrolidino metonitazene was detected for the first time in the United States. Our laboratory continues to gather pharmacology and toxicology regarding this novel drug.

Sample Source: Columbus Police Crime Laboratory, NMS Labs – Toxicology Laboratory, etc.

Sample Appearance: Drug Material – Tan Powder. Toxicology – Blood Specimens.

Pharmacology: Limited information regarding the pharmacology of N-pyrrolidino metonitazene is currently known. Recent in vitro studies examining activity and potency found that N-pyrrolidino metonitazene is an active opioid with potency approximately two times greater than that of fentanyl [unpublished data from L. De Vrieze and C. Stove]. Based on structural similarity, N-pyrrolidino metonitazene is expected to exhibit similar adverse effects to other nitazene analogues.

Toxicology: N-Pyrrolidino metonitazene has been detected in six toxicology cases at the CFSRE.

Drug Materials: N-Pyrrolidino metonitazene has been identified in one drug material at the CFSRE.

Demographics / Geographics: Cases originated from at least three states, including Ohio, Illinois, and West Virginia. In death investigations, decedents were predominantly male, ranging in age from 20s-70s.

Legal Status: N-Pyrrolidino metonitazene is not explicitly scheduled in the United States.

Tan Powder
Report Date:
June 23, 2023
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